





這並不意味著喝紅酒會降低患癌癥的風險,因為飲酒會增加患疾病的幾率。本文通訊作者、英國萊斯特大學轉化癌癥研究教授Karen Brown說:「我們第一次發現,更少的白藜蘆醇抗癌效果更好。這項研究表明,低劑量比服用白藜蘆醇高劑量更能預防腫瘤。」


英國癌癥研究中心健康信息負責人Julie Sharp博士說:「這項研究並不意味著,喝一杯紅酒會減少你患癌癥的風險,因為你不能從酒精中分離白藜蘆醇。酒精引起的癌癥風險增加,超過了白藜蘆醇帶來的任何可能的好處。」

「這是一項非常有趣的研究,但是我們需要更多的研究來了解,服用白藜蘆醇防止腸癌發生的所有優點和缺點。然而,我們知道,保持健康的體重,均衡飲食,低攝入紅肉和加工肉類,大量攝入纖維,包括水果和蔬菜,可以降低你的患病風險。」(來源:生物通  王英)

Cancer chemoprevention: Evidence of a nonlinear dose response for the protective effects of resveratrol in humans and mice

Abstract  The authors compared the dose-response curves of a dietary dose of resveratrol and a 200-fold higher amount in mice that spontaneously develop colorectal adenomas—precursors to cancer—that were fed a standard or a high-fat diet. In the mice on the high-fat diet, low-dose resveratrol reduced intestinal tumor development much better than did the high dose. In mouse tumor cells, resveratrol efficacy was tracked with an increase in autophagy and senescence markers and activation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP)–activated protein kinase (AMPK)—an enzyme that functions in the maintenance of cellular energy homeostasis. Exposure of human colorectal cancer tissue to low concentrations of resveratrol also caused an increase in autophagy and activation of AMPK. Colorectal mucosal samples isolated from cancer patients who received a low-dose resveratrol regimen before tumor resection showed an increase in expression of the cytoprotective, oxidative stress-activated enzyme NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 (NQO1). These findings suggest that resveratrol operates by modulating energy balance and responding to stress.

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